I was awoken at 5:00 am this morning by my recurring nightmare/dream. I am being chased by Pans People, they never catch me. Particularly Babs Lord (to the right in the picture). No one under 35 will appreciate the significance of this.
As I was awake I decided to make use of the time and get a bit of admin out of the way. My first task was to shuffle a bit of money about using my companies updated on line banking system. Holy mother of god, what a pile of utter tripe and bilge. The system is almost useless as it is opaque, confusing, ugly ..... it sucks. It has tiny little ok buttons way off in the far corners of the screen. When I got my password wrong it said something like "000.12321 ::: Your status is incorrect". It's a bad system.
Thing is, systems like this always encourage me, because if gynormous institutions with relatively limitless piles of cash and legions of chisel jawed consultants can produce desperate old crap like this, then there is still hope for an old sh1t kicker like me.