Roller Weblogger
I have been mucking about with Roller Weblogger. This is the J2ee based blog software that is used to host all the jroller blogs.
I have some tomcat hosting so I thought I'd set it up.
Roughly the install went like this:
1. Download the WAR file containging the j2EE app.
2. Deployed this to tomcat via the tomcat admin tool. Edit a few xml files.
3. SSH'd on to my server, go to the WEB-INF directory, launch mysql
4. Create the database and try and to set up the character sets.
5. Realise the mysql version is to old and submit upgrade request to hoster.
6. wait.
7. wait.
8. give up go to bed.
9. get up.
10. Log back in to mysql and create the roller database with the special character set requirements.
11. run the supplied dbsetup.sql.
12. open up the URL to the roller app and login.
13. the first user becomes admin.
14. create a weblog entry.
15. find the comments don't work.
16. give up.
17. drink shiraz.
18. play the uke.
19. go to bed.
20. get up, let the dog out.
21. root thru the roller mail archives to try and find solution. looks like it could be the twisty comments.
22. change the theme and it works.
There you go, bit of a struggle but not too bad. The big difference and what is the greatest culture shock for us domino charlies is having to worry about databases.
We just install the .nsf and off we go. Here, I have had to fanny about a bit too much.
All: So where is it then for crying out loud. Good grief man you could bore the bollocks off a wooden horse.
Spug: Sorry, as we say in Gloucestershire yer tis
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