Friday, March 31, 2006


My company have being doing mobile development for about 5 years now. For most of that time we have worked on PDAs, mainly Microsoft Pocket PCs. Over time I developed a healthy loathing for these devices, mainly due to bleeding active sync and the fact that the batteries lasted 2 minutes.

In our experience the users hate them fairly quickly too, especially some of our female users who feel they scare the boys off.

The only saving grace was reading the adds section of Pocket PC magazine. My favourite add was for a "holster" device thing which enabled you to carry your PDA like Dirty Harry. Even better still you could buy a whole Bible for your Pocket PC too.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Teleporting fart boat .....

All work, work, work, work and no play makes Spug a dull boy and to be honest he is dull enough already. The only highlight recently has been when returning from the computer mines one day my son, the Baron von Pud, presented me with one of his drawings.

"What is it?", i asked.

"It's you dad, in your teleporting fart boat"


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